5 Tips for Protecting Your Ankles


Winter wonderland conditions can be beautiful to look at but dangerous to walk in for your ankles. At Long Island Foot & Ankle Group, PC we want to help you keep your ankles safe this winter. Below are our top tips:

1. Take care of existing foot conditions. If you are experiencing foot or ankle pain or discomfort, don’t delay getting it evaluated and treated by one of our foot and ankle surgeons, Dr. Russell Caprioli, Dr. Mary Ann Bilotti, Dr. John Haight or Dr. Marzana Mleczko. The holiday season means people spend an increased amount of time on their feet and if you have an existing condition its likely to get worse. Foot pain can cause you to walk differently to compensate for the discomfort and this leads to trips and falls.

2. Watch where you walk. It’s important to be attentive to road and sidewalk conditions when winter weather strikes. Snow can hide icy pavement and slushy patches can be slippery. Look for areas that have been cleared and salted.

3. Don’t carry too much at one time. The reason for this is that when your arms are full, it’s impossible to see the ground. Changes in pavement elevation, curbs, and objects in your path can all cause you to twist an ankle if you don’t see them coming.

4. Wear appropriate shoes. It’s tempting to stop off at the mall on the way to a party to pick up a hostess gift, but if you do so, don’t wear your party heels or fashion boots. When conditions are messy it’s essential to have low-heeled boots or shoes with a decent tread to help navigate slippery pavement without taking a spill. Change your shoes when you get to your party destination.

5. Know the signs of an ankle injury. Just because you can still walk on it doesn’t mean your ankle isn’t sprained (or even fractured). Symptoms of an ankle sprain include pain, stiffness in the joint, swelling and bruising. If you twist your ankle contact our Valley Stream or Lake Success office by calling: (516) 825-4070 or (516) 327-0074 as soon as possible and follow the RICE: rest, ice, compression and elevation regimen until you can be seen.