foot sports injuries

Marc Gasol Suffers Broken Foot Injury - Long Island Foot and Ankle Group

Who would have thought that the ever reliable center of Memphis Grizzlies Marc Gasol might suffer from a broken foot injury? The center suffered a broken foot injury while playing against the Portland Trail Blazers? He immediately underwent successful surgery to repair the broken bone in his right foot.

Broken Foot injury

A crack or fracture in the foot can be serious. This injury needs attention and proper medication to avoid complications. The human foot is composed of 26 bones and is prone to injuries like fractures or breaks. It is important that you consult with a podiatrist for the first signs of a foot injury. The doctors of Long Island Foot and Ankle Group are podiatrists who specialize in helping people with foot pain and other types of foot conditions.

What are the causes of a broken foot injury?

Accidents is one of the leading reasons why bones break. When bones are suddenly bent, stretched, twisted, or crushed it can lead to a breaks. Athletes, soldiers, gymnasts, runners, and dancers are prone to this type of injury.

What are the symptoms of a broken foot injury?

  • Tenderness
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Pain during an activity and is gone when resting
  • Deformity of the foot
  • Immobility
  • Pain

If someone has a broken foot injury, walking may become painful. It is also impossible to diagnose a broken foot by just looking at it. The best thing to do is to seek medical attention. The podiatrist will order an x-ray to determine what kind of treatment is needed. Sprain and broken bone injury are almost similar when it comes to symptoms. The only difference is the intensity of the pain, bruising, and swelling.

Treatment for broken foot injury

The type of treatment for a broken foot injury is determined by the location and its severity. It is necessary to stabilize the injured foot whether it is mild or severe. You also have to avoid putting weight on your injured foot. Crutches, casting, walking boot, or wheelchair are few options to help treat the broken foot.

Splinting is also a way to treat the broken foot injury. See to it not to tape the broken foot tightly. Let your doctor show you the proper way of splinting your broken foot.

Wear a shoe with a solid sole that will provide an additional support. The recovery period of broken foot injury is between six to eight weeks depending on the degree of injury. 

At Long Island Foot and Ankle Group with offices located in Valley Stream and Lake Success,we specialize in helping people suffering from foot problems. To schedule an appointment phone Valley Stream (516) 825-4070 or Lake Success (516) 327-0074.

Achilles Tendinitis Treatment - Long Island Foot and Ankle Group

The Achilles tendon is the longest, widest, and strongest tendon of the body. It is located at the back of the leg where the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles attaches with the heel bone. The Achilles tendon plays a major role when walking, running and jumping. Which exposes the Achilles tendon to a lot of stress and abuse.

Blood supply comes from the muscles above and the bony attachment below. Because of its anatomy, there is an area in the center where blood supply is inadequate. It creates a weak spot due to inadequate nutrition.

 Achilles Tendinitis

Achilles tendinitis is a condition that refers to the deterioration of the Achilles tendon due to inflammation. It can be caused by an overused Achilles tendon. Repetitive activities, postural problems, sudden twisting injuries, or degenerative conditions like arthritis contribute to the development of Achilles tendinitis. This condition can also be seen in young people, especially athletes and active individuals.


Podiatrists look for tell-tale signs such as enlargement of the tendon, pain that can be experienced just by gently squeezing of the tendon, or weakness just by walking. Other tests that can help in the diagnosis of the Achilles tendinitis include: Magnetic resonance imaging, x-ray or ultrasound.  Long Island Foot and Ankle Group are podiatrists who specializes in helping people suffering from Achilles tendinitis.

Managing Achilles Tendinitis

The patient should always consult a podiatrist first and strict compliance with the treatment regimen is a must. Pain medications are prescribed for chronic pain. Other treatments include:

  • Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Wearing of orthotics or arch supports
  • Using of proper foot wear
  • Physical therapy
  • Applying hot and cold compress to the affected area
  • Steroid or cortisone injections
  • Wearing of brace or cast 

If pain persists, other modes of treatment can be planned. This includes Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) that is used to break up early calcification within the tendon, low-level laser therapy of the Achilles tendon and surgery that may involve the tendon itself or the bone where the tendon is attached.

 At Long Island Foot and Ankle Group with offices located in Valley Stream and Lake Success, we specialize in helping people suffering from Achilles tendinitis.  To schedule an appointment phone Valley Stream (516) 825-4070 or Lake Success (516) 327-0074.

Heel Pain and Foot Injuries - Long Island Foot and Ankle Group

Are you currently experiencing heel pain? It wouldn’t come as a surprise as a study conducted by the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA), found that this was one of the most common foot ailments affecting 16% of the American population. 

Heel pain can be caused by your feet coming into contact against hard surfaces when playing sports or simply wearing poor fitting shoes. While most of us might shrug off heel pain as something trivial, this could also be a symptom of a serious foot injury. And if left untreated, we could quickly aggravate the injury. 

Heel pain can be caused by many factors or foot injuries. When pain becomes chronic or intensifies, consult a podiatrist. The doctors at Long Island Foot and Ankle Group are podiatrists who specializes in helping people with bunions and other foot conditions. 

Plantar fasciitis – this foot condition occurs when the ligament (plantar fascia) that supports the arch of your foot becomes strained. The pain is usually located under your heel. Pain starts as something mild but eventually worsens especially when you take your first steps in the morning or after a long period of rest.

 If left untreated, plantar fasciitis can become difficult to treat. Treatment options include pain medications, orthotics, injections, immobilization and physical therapy.

Achilles Tendinitis – this can be the result of excessive use of your Achilles tendon. This tendon connects the calf muscles to the heel bone. Other causes include tightening of the calf muscles, age, injury, bone spurs and basic tendonitis. Achilles Tendinitis should be treated as quickly as possible. This can result to a ruptured tendon or tendonosis which is a chronic condition and produce scar tissue formation.

Fat Pad Thinning – your fat pad thins through walking or running on hard surfaces, age and obesity. This condition occurs on the fleshy ball of the heel of your feet. This can be caused by aging and when this happens it is best to consult your podiatrist. Treatment and management of fat pad thinning includes the use of special foot wear or wearing supportive insoles.

At Long Island Foot and Ankle Group with offices located in Valley Stream and Lake Success,, we specialize in helping people suffering from foot injuries.  To schedule an appointment phone Valley Stream (516) 825-4070 or Lake Success (516) 327-0074.

Sports Foot Injuries

One of the major responsibilities of the feet is supporting our body weight. The feet are composed of load-bearing structures that are capable of withstanding the stress of running, jumping or most sports activities. But, it too has its limits and when we go beyond what is was designed for, foot injuries happen.

Sever’s Disease

This is a painful heel condition found in child athletes. Feet development occurs during our childhood years. And an injury may occur when these are subjected to repeated abuse from sports activities before it is fully developed. The heel growth plate is one of the last structures in the feet to mature. And child athletes are at high risk for developing heel injuries because of this.  

Athletes Foot

Anybody can have athlete’s foot but this is more common among athletes because of certain practices. Athletes often have to take showers in training rooms or public showers. An infection can occur when bare feet is exposed to wet surfaces. 

Sore Feet

A hard day of training often results to sore feet. While most athletes dismiss this as part of their profession, pain and soreness that don’t go away with medication and rest should be consulted with a podiatrist. The podiatrists at Long Island Foot and Ankle Group are doctors who specializes in helping people suffering from sports related foot injuries.


Fractures are commonly caused by breaks in load bearing bones in the feet. High risk areas include the heel, ankle, navicula and metatarsal bones. Stress on these foot structures are multiplied often to its breaking point through repeated high impact activities. This is why warm-ups and foot strengthening exercises should be done before an athlete progresses into more difficult activities. 

Ankle Sprains

Sports require explosive movements that demand strength and flexibility. A quick change in direction places huge stress on the ankles causing sprain. When it is overstretched beyond its limit, this is injured causing pain and inflammation.

Tingling Feet

That tingling sensation in your feet can be caused by poor circulation or nerve damage. While it might only be a cause of inconvenience it can already be a symptom of an underlying disease. This includes peripheral neuropathy or Raynaud’s disease.

At Long Island Foot and Ankle Group with offices located in located in Valley Stream and Lake Success, we specialize in helping people with foot injuries.   To schedule an appointment phone Valley Stream (516) 825-4070 or Lake Success (516) 327-0074.