Should I Call the Foot Doctor?

Your feet are complex structures. With 52 bones, 66 joints and 200 ligaments, not to mention muscles and tendons, there’s a lot that can go wrong with a pair of feet! When a sudden injury occurs or you find yourself in severe foot or ankle pain it’s obvious that a call to the foot doctor is necessary. However, at Long Island Foot & Ankle Group, PC, we find that non-emergencies patients often wait too long to make the call. Here are some signs that it’s time to get an evaluation by one of our foot and ankle surgeons, Dr. Russell Caprioli, Dr. Mary Ann Bilotti, Dr. John Haight or Dr. Marzana Mleczko:

·It hurts. Persistent pain, whether it’s pain that comes and goes or is not severe but more of a dull ache or soreness is still a sign that something is wrong. Pay attention to when the pain occurs—is it after certain activities, when you wear particular shoes, after standing for long periods of time? These clues will help the podiatrist diagnose the cause of the pain.

·My skin looks different. Red, itchy skin with scaly patches or blisters can indicate athlete’s foot or another skin infection or irritation. Bruising, particularly after an ankle twisting can indicate a sprain or break.

·It doesn’t feel right. Unusual sensations, such as burning, tingling, feeling like you’re walking on a pebble or warmth in part of your foot can indicate a nerve problem, infection or a systemic disorder, such as diabetes.

·My nail has changed. Symptoms of fungal nails include discoloration, crumbling at the edges, spots and thickening of the nail.

·It doesn’t look right. If a part of your foot or a toe looks deformed, bent or out of place, that warrants a call to the podiatrist. Unusual swelling, lumps or bumps, warts, calluses or any abnormality in the appearance of your foot should be examined as it may be the sign of an injury or disease of the foot.

·I have diabetes. Diabetic patients have a much higher risk of minor foot problems developing into serious health threats due to the immune and circulation issues associated with the disease. If you have diabetes, you should call our Valley Stream (516-825-4070) or Lake Success (516-327-0074) office immediately at the first sign of redness, blisters or injury and even for routine issues such as nail care.

The majority of foot conditions are more successfully treated in their early stages. If you notice anything unusual in the appearance of your feet or how they feel, don’t delay. Contact us for an appointment as soon as possible.