Keep Fungal Infections Away this Summer


Ah, warm summer days are finally coming our way here in Nassau County. Unfortunately, however, our patients at Long Island Foot & Ankle Group, PC, are not the only ones who enjoy hot, humid days. Fungi, bacteria and viruses all thrive in warm, moist places and are lying in wait to ambush your feet this summer. When your feet come in direct contact with a surface that someone with an infection has walked on, contamination is highly likely. Below are tips for avoiding infections wherever you are this season.

At the Pool—wear flip flops to walk around the pool area and in the rest rooms and changing areas. Don’t use someone else’s flip flops or shoes or allow them to use yours. Either bring your own towel or, if using one the pool provides, keep it separated from other towels.

At the Gym—make sure you keep a pair of shower shoes or flip flops in your gym bag or locker. Wear them in the shower and the locker room to avoid contact with viruses and fungi. Bring your own soap and toiletry articles and keep in a case—do not use the soap dish or put your soap down on the shower floor.

At the Nail Salon—if you get professional pedicures, check to see that your salon is licensed by the state and that they are following proper sanitizing procedures for foot baths and nail tools. It’s best to bring your own clippers, cuticle cutters, etc. to ensure that they have no chance of transmitting infection. Better yet, take advantage of our foot and nail spa where you can enjoy a pedicure completely assured of proper sterilization and safety for your feet.

At Home—washing your feet every day with soap and warm water will help reduce the risk of infection. If someone else in your household has a fungal foot infection, be sure to keep towels and bedding separate. Be careful to wash down the shower or tub with disinfecting cleaner after that person has used it until the fungal infection has cleared up.

Don’t wait if you believe you have a fungal infection. Make an appointment at our Valley Stream (516) 825-4070 or Lake Success (516) 327-0074 office with one of our podiatrists, Dr. Russell Caprioli, Dr. Mary Ann Bilotti, Dr. John Haight or Dr. Marzana Mleczko. Not only will fungal infections not go away on their own, but delaying treatment increases the risk of the infection spreading to other parts of your body or to someone else.